Individual Therapy
Individual therapy can be one of the most powerfully positive experiences you undertake. As a therapist, I try to explore all the factors involved in the making of a person and his or her current or past difficulties. These factors may include family-of-origin issues, economic factors, physiological difficulties, cultural differences, and belief systems. In other words, I try to see the whole person, rather than just one part. I infuse my work with clients with a healthy sense of humor, and a realistic, goal-oriented approach.
It's interesting that most of us build a professional team to deal with life's challenges. We have our car repaired by a professional. We use the expertise of a financial planner. We think nothing of employing a tutor for a child that has learning difficulties. Yet, for many of us, we "go it alone" when it comes to personal problems. I strongly believe that each of us has the strength within us to find meaning, solutions, and ways to cope and live our lives with authenticity, even in the face of daunting challenges and pain. I also believe that those solutions can be found easier and more quickly with the help of your own personal professional.
People who come to counseling struggle with many things:
- They feel depression or sadness a lot of the time
- There is not much joy in their life, even when things seem okay
- A recent loss, of a loved one, job, financial status, or relationship has left them grieving for what once was
- They have suffered from low self esteem most of their life and always seem "less than" everyone else
- Anxiety and fear keep them from doing things they think they may enjoy
- Panic attacks have left them paralyzed
- Past losses and grief leave them feeling stuck and unable to forgive or move on
- Feelings of anger and irritability are present most days
- Stress seems to drain them of pleasure and happiness
- Hopelessness and exhaustion are part of their everyday experience
If one of these describes you, now may be the time to seek individual therapy/counseling/coaching (whatever you want to call it!) If you would like to free yourself from whatever is holding you back, read more about Individual Counseling and then contact me so we can get started.

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