Resource Center
Every Wednesday I post a Self Care tip. It's my belief that no matter what is going on in our life, self care is our first responsibility. Even if we are taking care of others, we can't do a good job unless we take care of ourselves first. You may want to read a few of the tips and see if they appeal to you. If they do, fill out the form below and you will find a new one in your e-mail box each Wednesday morning. I manage my list myself and do not sell it, share it, or give it to anyone else.
From time to time I come across interesting articles online. I post these on the Interesting Reading page. I can't vouch for the accuracy or the sources. I put them here as "food for thought."
Like most therapists, I have a few Favorite Books I recommend to my clients. I list them here as a resource to anyone who happens upon this page.

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Have a Difficult Partner or Parent?
What to do when someone close to you has a different opinion about an import..
When the Holidays Will Never Be the Same
It’s been 21 holiday seasons since my husband, Max, died. Our son ..